Legal information


This Website is created and published by

Obeo - S.A.S au capital de 499 963 €

7 Boulevard Ampère
BP 20773
Espace Performance La Fleuriaye
Tel : +33 02 51 13 51 42

Siren : 485 129 860 RCS NANTES
Siret : 485 129 860 00048

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Publication manager: Cédric Brun - Obeo S.A.S President

Hosting providers: OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France


Information displayed on Obeo's websites (,, is offered in utmost good faith. Obeo cannot guarantee that this information is complete, accurate or up to date. Technical information on these websites may be inexact or may contain typographical errors. These information may be periodically modified and modifications may be published.

Obeo may change or improve products, programs or services described on these websites at any time without prior notice.

Unless approved in writing, any reproduction, representation, dissemination or redissemination, in full or in part, of the content of these websites on any medium or by any means whatsoever (including caching, framing), in addition to any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties in any way whatsoever shall be prohibited.

Failure to comply with these restrictions shall constitute an infringement, which may invoke the infringer's civil and criminal liability. Same rules apply to any database being, if so, on these website.



Obeo S.A.S. has created and registered a number of trademarks and associated logos to identify the Obeo company and/or products, like Obeo SmartEA for example. This document describes the use of these trademarks and logos.

The Obeo trademarks and logos are a symbol of the quality of the products and services provided by the company. To ensure that they continue to serve these functions, we need to keep some element of control over their use, especially, we want to ensure that their use is not made in a disparaging manner or to be rude about the Obeo technology, the Obeo company, its products, or its staff.

Property and identification of Obeo trademarks and logos:

The “Obeo” name and logo, and the others products names and logos are the intellectual property of Obeo S.A.S. and should be identified as such, by including a statement attributing the trademarks to Obeo S.A.S. (for example, "‘Obeo and Obeo SmartEA are trademarks of Obeo S.A.S.").

The Obeo logos are the logos associated to Obeo trademark or other trademarks owned by Obeo :

logo Obeo   obeo Obeo SmartEA   obeo Obeo Designer   logo Acceleo

Usage of "Obeo" Trademarks and Logos:

You may not use or incorporate the Obeo trademark in a company name, a trade name, a sign, a software product name or any other product name or more generally in a brand or trademark.

You may not use or incorporate the Obeo trademark in a "namespace", especially the string "fr.obeo".

By "namespace" we mean an abstract place to group a set of computer programs in a logical manner, in order to build modular programs. This naming convention is used to identify code that has been developed and/or is owned by Obeo S.A.S. Therefore, we request that no one, except Obeo, develop or maintain software packages that use ‘fr.obeo’ in their namespace. It is acceptable to use or to mention the ‘Obeo’ trademark only through a scientific and technical communication, for example in a technical or scientific publication or book. However you must ensure that a) such use is made in compliance with these, b) ‘Obeo’ is not concatenated with another word, and c) such use does not imply or make the user believe that the publication or book is supported or authorized by Obeo S.A.S.

Use of Obeo logos are not permitted whatsoever, including the use of derivative works of these logos or alteration of these logos.

No other use of trademarks and/or use of any Obeo logos is possible without a prior written consent by Obeo S.A.S. You can ask us any request by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hypertext links

Obeo shall not be liable for hypertext links established to other sites, particularly as regards the content of these sites. Obeo shall not be liable for hypertext links to this site.

Personal data

Obeo gathers personal information from forms on the websites we administer (,,, and from events we either organize (SiriusCon, Webinars, Workshops, etc) or sponsor.

The data collected are treated for the following end-uses:

  • Sending information about our products (latest releases, articles, documentation and so on) and events. We do our utmost to ensure the emails you receive are pertinent to your interests (based on your mailing list subscription details). Forms which are not dedicated to the subscription to Obeo's mailing list include an option allowing you to explicitly subscribe to this mailing list. Should you already feature on the list then by not ticking the option you are automatically removed from the list. Every email sent includes a link should you wish to unsubscribe.
  • Contact. If you tick the option 'I would like to be contacted by Obeo', then the information gathered is forwarded to the relevant area servicing (technical support, product team, commercial team).

In compliance with the current legal provisions, you hold the following rights over information relating to yourself:

  • Access
  • Correction
  • Deletion

You can exercise these rights by request to the Obeo marketing service: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Except if it is explicitly mentioned when we collect the data, they are not shared with other organizations. There are two exceptions:

  • ObeoSoft Canada Inc. , which is an Obeo's subsidiary based in Vancouver (Canada), can access to the data
  • MailChimp, our marketing automation platform. By subscribing to Obeo's mailing list, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.



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