Change Log

Obeo SmartEA 8.1.0 (17/06/2024)

  • SmartEA 8.1.0 is based on:
    • Eclipse 2021-09,
    • OD Team 11.8.0,
    • Sirius 7.1.2,
    • Sirius Components 2024.1.0,
    • Jetty 10.0.6,
    • BPMN Designer 5.1.3.
  • Prerequisites:
    • Java 17.
    • PostgreSQL version 13.x, 14.x, or 15.x.
  • New Features:
    • Added a feature to retain user-modified graphical data during the regeneration of a diagram based on a template (see the «Templates» section of the Functional Administration Guide, parameter Ignore pinned elements).
    • Added a feature to define micro-connectors (see the «Micro Connectors SmartEA» section of the Functional Administration Guide).
    • ArchiMate Module:
      • Added a tool to merge two objects of the same type (see the «Merging Two Objects» section of the User Guide).
  • Improvements:
    • Smart Requests (see «Syntax» subsection under «The Smart Request Artifact» section in the User Guide):
      • Added the option to exclude empty rows from the results (keyword required).
      • Added the ability to define constants and variables (keyword let).
      • The first row of the Smart Requests results table is now fixed when using the vertical scroll bar.
    • AQL Services:
      • Added the ability to provide up to 3 parameters to the eval service (see «Evaluate an AQL Query» section in the AQL Guide).
      • Added a service (evalstr) to evaluate an AQL query and produce a string (see «Evaluate an AQL Query and Produce a String» section in the AQL Guide).
    • A new feature has been added to the prism editor allowing the configuration of web page popovers (Web Popovers Configuration). Refer to the Functional Administration Guide, Section «Obeo SmartEA Features» for more details.
    • Added the page.header.scale parameter in project configuration files. This parameter allows setting the scale of the header on the web pages of artifacts. See Installation Guide.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the query creation tool of the Table widget in the dashboard, which is now fully functional.

Obeo SmartEA 8.0.0 (12/04/2024)

  • SmartEA 8.0.0 is based on:
    • Eclipse 2021-09,
    • OD Team 11.8.0,
    • Sirius 7.1.2,
    • Sirius Components 2024.1.0,
    • Jetty 10.0.6,
    • BPMN Designer 5.1.3.
  • Prerequisites:
    • Java 17.
    • PostgreSQL version 13.x, 14.x, or 15.x.
  • New Features:
    • Added a feature in the project administration pages allowing to export or import a specific branch of a project.
    • Refer to the Installation Guide, «Branch Administration» section.
    • Four new logs have been added (see the Installation Guide, «Logs» section) to track:
      • User read access.
      • Writes to the semantic models of the repository.
      • The functional configuration changes (prism model).
      • Server status.
    • Two new features have been added in the prisms editor allowing to specify the sorting of the RCP model explorer and the Web model explorer. This choice can be made per prism. See the Functional Administration Guide, «Obeo SmartEA Features» section.
    • Support for derived relationships has been added, and an implementation for ArchiMate has been made. Please refer to the Functional Administration Guide, Section «Definition of Derived Relationships». This feature is provided in Beta version.
  • Improvements:
    • A new option has been added during Excel import to automatically create missing identifiers in the Excel file. If an imported element lacks an identifier in the Excel file, a new object will be created with a generated identifier.
    • Templates now include the root and parent variables. Refer to the Functional Administration Guide, «Templates» section.
    • File content validation has been added during the import of resources like data.prism, data.branch, and data.preferences.
    • Directories and artifacts are no longer visible in the selectable types of the page library because the configuration of pages for these elements is not supported.
    • The font size of elements displayed in the result table of Smart Requests has been made consistent with the rest of the page.
    • A clearer message is displayed when the user closes the last open diagram and the session is being modified.
    • The label of links in published diagrams is now clickable, allowing to open the link details page.
    • Full-screen visualization of diagram publications is now possible from a web browser.
    • Wizards have been added to facilitate the selection of elements in the prisms editor, for example, for the types of elements in the page library.
    • A preferences page has been added at the modeler level to specify the default link crossings in diagrams.
    • Voyage Discount update: an example of governance of indicators and derived relationships (flows between business capabilities).
  • Documentation:
    • Improved documentation on text search. Refer to the User Guide, «Textual Search» section. A subsection describes the escaping of special characters, and another subsection explains the use of boolean operators and special characters.
    • Enhanced documentation explaining the use of External Resource type elements. See the User Guide, «Creating External Resources» section.
    • Added to the Template definition documentation (refer to the Functional Administration Guide, «Templates» section) that it is possible to access variables:
      • root: provides the root object of the template.
      • parent: provides the object that is the graphical container of the contextual object.
    • Added to the User Guide, «Sunburst Diagram» section, and the Functional Administration Guide, «Sunburst Widget» section that it is possible to navigate to designated objects in a Sunburst representation by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking.
    • Added a section in the AQL Guide explaining the use of if and let statements.
  • Fixes:
    • Artifact Configurations from Prisms are now correctly considered in the RCP model explorer.
    • The getConstraint AQL service has been added to the RCP interpreter completion.
    • An error occurring when canceling selection in the image library has been fixed.
    • An issue with session opening when the IS module is installed has been resolved.
    • Creation of duplicate identifiers when creating multiple basemm.Relationships between the same source and target has been fixed.
    • Representation indexes are now properly updated when renaming an Artifact.
    • Cartouches are now updated when a diagram is duplicated.
    • Reference model attributes related to an Artifact are now duplicated when the Artifact is copied.
    • Performance improvements have been made for Firefox concerning published diagrams.
    • Line breaks are now correctly displayed in the result of a Smart Request.
    • An encoding issue with the first line of a Smart Request containing an apostrophe has been corrected.
  • ArchiMate Module:
    • ArchiMate 3.2 Support: The ArchiMate module has been updated to comply with ArchiMate 3.2. For more details, please refer to
    • Support for ArchiMate Derived Relationships:
      • Refer to «Appendix B Relationships (Normative)» in the ArchiMate specifications for more details:
      • See the Functional Administration Guide, Section «Definition of Derived Relationships,» for configuring derived relationships.
    • Enhancement:
      • Consideration that graphical Annotations can be stereotyped in the ArchiMate free diagram.
  • BPMN Module:
    • Icon update.
    • Improved functionality for moving BPMN elements:
      • Move a process into a directory nested within another process.
      • Move a process into another process.
    • Added the ability to simultaneously create a process or collaboration and its associated BPMN diagram.
    • Integration of tools to convert a Gateway with preservation of its style and position.
    • Addition of Task conversion and Gate conversion tools in the context menu that appears when the user hovers over an element.
    • Addition of specific copy/paste functionalities for BPMN elements:
      • Copy/paste a process or collaboration from the RCP model explorer. Copying the semantic element also includes associated diagrams.
      • Copy/paste a set of elements from one process to another with preservation of the style and layout of the elements.
    • Fixed the issue where moving the label of a gateway was considered as a drag-and-drop operation.
    • Correction to preserve style and layout when the type of a Task is modified.
    • Added dedicated documentation for the BPMN module.

Obeo SmartEA 7.7.0 (22/12/2023)

  • Capability to specify the attributes to display in the results of a text search. Refer to the Administration Guide, Section "Displaying Attributes in Search Results."
  • Addition of the ability to define colors for each query in the sector and histogram widgets on the homepage. Refer to the Administration Guide, Section "Dashboard."
  • Display of a tooltip presenting the description of the object as well as its type when the user hovers over an element in a desktop diagram publication.
  • Smart-Requests export now generates a clickable HTML link for links created using the makeHTMLLink service.
  • Introduction of a server parameter (footer.specific) to define HTML text appearing in the footer of web pages. See Installation Guide, Section "Adding Text to the Footer of Web Pages."
  • Templates (refer to the Administration Guide for all template-related updates):
    • Addition of two attributes (width and height) on TRelations to specify the width and height of relation labels.
    • Addition of variables root and source (in addition to self): self represents the contextual semantic object, root is the semantic object to which the template is applied, source is the semantic object that, through a relation, caused the appearance of the contextual object.
    • A TNode with an AQL query for the graphical parent returning null or an empty list is now positioned in the diagram.
    • Addition of the ability to define conditional styles on TNodes and TRelations.
  • AQL Common services now operate uniformly on both the RCP and the server.
  • Complete translation into French of the message displayed when the RCP user closes the last open diagram.
  • BPMN Designer:
    • Addition of the ability to delete a BPMN subprocess when it is collapsed.
    • Drag-and-drop to or from a subprocess now preserves the shape of the dropped element.
    • Conversion of a BPMN task now preserves the organization of the diagram.
    • Ability to move a process that is inside another process to another process or directory.
  • Update of Voyage Discount.

Obeo SmartEA 7.6.2 (20/12/2023)

  • Fixes
    • Fixed display error of Sunburst diagrams when used as a page widget under Safari and Firefox.
    • Fixed filtering of duplicate traceability entries during project import.

Obeo SmartEA 7.6.1 (01/12/2023)

  • New Features
    • Server error traces are no longer displayed in the user’s web browser. The traces are now only shown in the server log when an error occurs on the server side.
    • Added two server parameters, file.upload.extensions.authorized and image.upload.extensions.authorized, to filter the types of files that users can upload to the server. See the Installation Guide, application.conf file.
    • Added a server parameter, enable.upload.file.content.analysis, to control that the content of files uploaded to the server corresponds to their extensions. See the Installation Guide, application.conf file.
  • Enhancements
    • Improved readability of RelationStereotypeSpecifications in the prisms editor.
    • Improved display time of Smart Requests result tables.
    • The preference Open a Sirius Desktop representation in read or write mode is now taken into account when the user double-clicks in the Favorites view, Representation Index, or Cart.
    • Added an action in the prisms editor to update the server cache of typed properties. See the Functional Administration Guide for use cases.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Strengthened controls for web page data to prevent malicious string injections.
    • Strengthened controls for user rights and roles before displaying or performing actions.
    • It is now possible to create ArchiMate annotations or Junctions in the ArchiMate RCP free diagram if the «only stereotypes» mode is activated.
    • ArchiMate graphical annotations that are not of type «Group» are now indexed.
    • Various optimizations on traceability information when creating, modifying, or deleting a large number of objects (several thousand).
    • AQL services makeLink / makeHTMLLink now accept all types of objects.
    • Fixed a server memory leak visible when a large number of requests arrive simultaneously at the server.

Obeo SmartEA 7.6.0 (20 Oct 2023)

Version 7.6.0 is functionally identical to version 7.5.0.

Unlike version 7.5.0, version 7.6.0 requires Java 17 and not Java 11.

This version is based on

  • Obeo Designer Team 11.8.0 (11.7.1 for SmartEA 7.5.0),
  • Sirius 7.1.1 (7.0.8 for SmartEA 7.5.0)
  • and Sirius Components 23.6 (23.1 for SmartEA 7.5.0).

Obeo SmartEA 7.5.0 (20 Oct 2023)

  • New features
    • Added pagination, search and filters on Smart Requests.
    • Added AQL date manipulation services. See the AQL guide.
    • The RCP Model Explorer filter now takes typed attributes and stereotypes into account.
    • Added a verification system to prevent the introduction of duplicate identifiers during RCP and Web editing.
    • Addition of a project preference conditioning the double click when opening a diagram on the modeler: either opening the publication, or opening the diagram for editing.
    • Added a project preference allowing to choose whether or not stereotyped tools should be shown in the modeler. See Functional Administration guide.
      • Only classic tools,
      • Only stereotypes tools,
      • Only stereotypes tools unless absent,
      • All.
    • Advanced search :
      • Taking stereotypes into account.
      • Taking into account typed attributes and calculated typed attributes.
      • Taking into account permissions on typed/calculated attributes.
      • Preference to hide dynamic attributes.
      • Possibility of making advanced queries composed of several search criteria (OR) each containing several conditions (AND).
    • Prism editor (see Functional Administration guide):
      • Added new features in prisms to hide the Properties, Stereotypes, Labels, Linked Elements and Advanced tabs in the RCP Properties view.
      • EEF views are now used for all elements of a template.
      • Added the possibility of deactivating a template in the template library.
      • Added the possibility to deactivate a header, tab, libe or widget in the page library.
      • Added the possibility to define a specific label on the relationships of a template.
      • Added the possibility to put a legend on a diagram generated by a template.
      • Added a tool for copying template elements.
    • Reference model :
      • Added the ability to define the source type and target types of a stereotyped relationship.
      • Added the ability to set calculated attributes on type extensions and stereotypes.
      • Added the ability to set permissions on typed attributes.
    • ArchiMate module
      • The free diagram palette now allows to directly create stereotyped elements.
      • Support for stereotyped relationships in the Magic Connector.
      • Added cartouche support in the free ArchiMate diagram. See Functional Administration guide and ArchiMate User guide.
      • Added support for Sirius Desktop diagram publications in the ArchiMate free diagram (legend). See Functional Administration guide and ArchiMate User guide.
      • Added preferences (-D) allowing to choose the type of routing (oblique or rectilinear) of edges when importing from the ArchiMate exchange format. See Installation Guide;
      • The DEL key now deletes an element graphically (not semantically) in the Entities diagram.
      • Added the possibility to drop an artifact into the Entities diagram.
  • Fixes
    • Widget title: if the «Subtitle» attribute is set then «Text below project icon» must be set.
    • The «/publication/massive» service does not take into account the branch passed as a parameter.
    • No file extension for Excel exports.
    • Custom features are deleted when using the features selection wizard.

Obeo SmartEA 7.4.3 (03 Jul 2023)

  • Version upgrades:
    • Sirius 7.0.7 -> 7.0.8
    • BPMN Designer 4.1.3 -> 4.1.4
  • Changes:
    • Addition of the project name in the tab label of the home page.
    • When creating a subdirectory, the rights of the parent directory are now applied automatically.
    • Addition of a derogation to consider the modifications on derived attributes during an Excel import.
    • Improved AQL arithmetic operations:
    • Added the ability to perform an operation between a real and an integer.
    • A division between 2 integers now returns a real and not an integer.
    • BPMN module:
      • Addition of a tool in the collaboration diagram allowing to create a Participant not linked to a Process.
  • Fixes:
    • Freeze of the modeler if the Hints view is open when opening a detail page from the modeler’s model explorer.
    • Authentication needed again when closing the last tab of the modeler’s web browser.
    • BPMN module:
      • Resizing a Participant not linked to a Process not possible.
      • Automatic layout not functional when linking a Participant to a Process

Obeo SmartEA 7.4.2 (09 Jun 2023)

  •  Fixes:
    • Web browser menus are hidden when menus are longer than page height.
    • The «Open in new tab» action (web browser) on a semantic object opens the home page and not the details page or the publication page of the object.
    • Authentication with Linux Modeler is KO if using the Webkit renderer.
    • ArchiMate module:
      • Typed attributes are duplicated when creating an ArchiMate Artifact.
      • Typed attributes are duplicated when a type is converted.

Obeo SmartEA 7.4.1 (26 May 2023)

  • Fixes :
    • The current diagram must appear in the «Linked representations» menu of a Sirius editor.
    • Take line breaks into account in Header widget subtitle.
    • Support current prism variable (${currentPrismID}) in properties widget fields on detail pages.
    • The Sankey preview can overflow the results table.
    • Services used by SmartRequests use size-limited GET requests.
    • Manage spaces in possible values of an enumeration of a typed attribute.
    • Excel import: Derived attribute columns are interpreted as dynamic properties.
    • Documentation:
      • Specify which class to use for the useraccessmanager.impl property in the case of authentication based on SSO and groups.
      • Indicate how to write a regular expression for typed attributes (string type).
    • ArchiMate module:
      • Documentation: ArchiMate specification URLs are no longer valid.
      • Do not offer the selection of an image for rectangle, triangle, ellipse, losange and note annotations in the ArchiMate diagram.
      • Error when generating diagrams based on a template if there is a cycle in the definition.

Obeo SmartEA 7.4.0 (20 Apr 2023)

  • Versions of PostgreSQL supported: 11.x, 12.x, 13.x, 14.x and 15.x.
  • Documentation:
    • The Installation Guide has been separated into two guides:
      • Installation Guide and
      • Functional Administration Guide.
    • A new guide introducing the AQL language and centralizing all SmartEA AQL services has been created: AQL Guide.
  • New features :
    • Added support for SSO groups in the definition of associations between user IDs and prisms to which they are attached. See Installation Guide, Section «5.7.3. Configuring SSO authentication».
    • Authorization of drag and drop in the model explorer whose content is sorted if the target directory is different from the source directory.
    • Addition of an action to modify the identifier of a stereotype, a type extension or a typed attribute. It is no longer possible to modify the identifier directly from the properties view.
    • Deleted branches are now identified in the administration page.
    • Ability to customize semantic object detail pages. See Functional Administration Guide, Sections «1.8.Configuring web pages» and «4. Page library».
    • Added two new artifacts: Sankey Diagram and Sunburst Diagram. See User’s Guide, Sections «2.15.Sankey Diagram» and «2.16. Sunburst Diagram».
    • Addition of AQL services allowing to:
      • find artifacts where an object appears (AQL Guide, Section 6.19),
      • retrieve the current project identifier (AQL Guide, Section 6.22),
      • retrieve the current branch identifier (AQL Guide, Section 6.23),
      • retrieve the current prism (AQL Guide, Section 6.24),
      • retrieve the url of a semantic element (AQL Guide, Section 6.25),
      • retrieve semantic element traceability information (AQL Guide, Section 6.26),
      • evaluate an AQL query (AQL Guide, Section 6.27),
      • retrieve the icon of a semantic element (AQL Guide, Section 6.28),
      • retrieve an image from the image library (AQL Guide, Section 6.29).
    • To clarify and simplify the use of the branch synchronization function, merging branches is now only possible to the current branch (User Guide, Section 3.17).
  • ArchiMate module
    • Actions to launch template-based diagram generation are now organized by menu and sub-menu.
    • Fixes:
      • A relationship created between a Plateau, a Location, a Grouping and an Association is created without target.
      • When moving a graphic annotation in a free ArchiMate diagram, the graphic characteristics of the original element are lost.
      • Consideration of the borderSpacing attribute on the right and at the bottom in the diagram generation templates.
  • Fixes:
    • Error if a Smart Request is saved twice in a modeler.
    • Refreshing the home page centers the editor on the middle of the page.
    • A technical identifier is displayed on the Stereotypes tab.
    • In validation reports the tooltip displays twice the description.
    • Font difference between attributes and dynamic properties in detail pages.
    • Error when exporting a project if a resource contains illegal XML characters.
    • file.upload.maxsize parameter not taken into account.
    • Error during template-based generation of a large volume of diagrams: No more handles.
    • The cancel button of the reference model update action partially cancels the update.
  • SmartEA Developer
    • Fixed licenses server

Obeo SmartEA 7.3.1 (14 Mar 2023)

  • Bug fixes:
    • Unable to save a Smart Request twice from the Modeler.
    • Modeler blocked when opening if on previous close the Hints view was open.
    • REMOVE_MANY and ADD_MANY notifications are not handled correctly in the trigger for removal of represented elements.
    • Modeler cookie is not set from RCP Http Requester.
    • Error during generic Excel import if the functionality prohibiting the creation of untyped dynamic properties is not active.
    • «ChannelException: Too many channels» error when a connector creates several tens of thousands of typed attributes.

Obeo SmartEA 7.3.0 (27 Jan 2023)

  • SmartEA 7.3.0 is based on:
    • OD Team 11.7.1,
    • Sirius Components 2023.1.0,
    • Jetty 10.0.6.
  • New features :
    • Ability to trace (See Installation Guide, Section «Configure traceability»):
      • the creation date of a semantic element,
      • the user who created the element,
      • the last modification date of a semantic element,
      • the user who made the last modification on a semantic element.
    • Typed Properties (See Installation Guide, Sections Stereotypes, Type Extension and Typed Properties):
      • Ability to set typed properties on ArchiMate types.
      • Ability to set typed properties on stereotypes.
      • Addition of a feature in the prisms allowing to deactivate the function of creation of untyped properties.
    • ArchiMate module:
      • Possibility to hide or display in light gray elements of the ArchiMate Web diagram.

Obeo SmartEA 7.2.0 (06 Dec 2022)

  • SmartEA 7.2.0 is based on:
    • OD Team 11.7.0,
    • Sirius Components 2022.11.0,
    • Jetty 10.0.6.
  • New features:
    • The publisher now can regenerate a diagram based on a template from its publishing page.
    • Addition of two new features (XLS Export – Details Page and XLS Import – Details Page) to show
    • Template:
      • Option to define a specific label on RootNodeNodeArtifactId and ArtifactTemplateId. This lable can be defined by a static string or an AQL query.
      • Option to define the style (bold, italic, underlined) of labels on RootNodeNodeArtifactId and ArtifactTemplateId
      • Option to define an image in the Image Library for RootNodeNodeArtifactId and ArtifactTemplateId.
      • New «Appareance» tab in the Properties View of the Prism Editor, allowing the user to set graphical properties on RootNodeNodeArtifactId and ArtifactTemplateId.
    • Web Model Explorer:
      • Added actions available on an item in a right-click menu.
      • Added the ability to associate/remove a Stereotype from a semantic element.
      • Added Folder drag’n’drop
    • ArchiMate module:
      • Added a tab per Stereotype in the Properties view of the Free ArchiMate Web Diagram.
      • Addition of four project preferences allowing to condition the creation tools available in the palette of the Free ArchiMate Web diagram (see the User Guide).
      • Addition of a tool in the Entities diagram allowing to reorder the attributes of a business object or an application object.
  • Installation guide
    • Added a section explaining how to enable scram-sha-256 (Postgresql).
    • Added a section explaining how to deploy WebView2 without installing it on the client machine

Obeo SmartEA 7.1.0 (07 Oct 2022)

  • SmartEA 7.1.0 is based on:
    • OD Team 11.7.0,
    • Sirius Components 2022.9.0,
    • Jetty 10.0.6.
  • BPMN module (4.1.3)
    • Bugfix: Unable to add a bound event on a call activity in the collaboration diagram
  • New features:
    • Added a feature to generate diagrams based on templates in command line. See -templateGenerator option in the installation guide.
    • Ability to organize Stereotypes and Templates into directories in the Prisms model.
    • Validation of web popups with Enter key.
    • Web Model Explorer
      • Delete objects with the delete key.
      • Multiple selection with the Shift key.
    • ArchiMate module
      • Free ArchiMate Web Diagram
        • Added an action to cut/paste graphical elements.
        • Added the possibility to drop the same ArchiMate element several times in a different graphic container.
        • Added a wizard allowing to create an ArchiMate relation when an element is dropped in another element.

Obeo SmartEA 7.0.0 (08 Jun 2022)

  • Server, modelers, connectors and SDK now require Java 11.
  • Xul Runner (the rendering engine embedded in Windows modelers) can’t be used now. Xul Runner is replaced by WebView2 for Windows users. See the Software prerequisites section of the Installation Guide.
  • Obeo SmartEA 7.0.0 is based on:
    • Eclipse 2021-09,
    • OD Team 11.6.0,
    • Sirius Components 2022.5.0,
    • M2Doc 3.2.0,
    • Jetty 9.4.43.
  • Support of PostgreSQL version 11.x, 12.x, 13.x and 14.x.
  • In the modeler, the help documentation is no longer available in rich client mode but from the menu of web pages displayed in the modeler.
  • Added new features in prisms:
    • The import and export functions in generic Excel format are now conditioned by 2 features in the prisms (and not one as before): XLS Import and XLS Export
    • Access to validation functions is now conditioned by 3 features:
      • Validation: Allows the user to start the execution of validation rules,
      • Validation – Library upload: Allow or not the user to upload/delete validation bundles,
      • Validation – Report delete: Allow or not the user to delete validation reports.
    • A new feature in prisms allows to condition edit actions in the web model explorer: Web Model Explorer – Edition.
  • Added a new Artifact Type Provider Configuration: siriusweb. See Installation Guide, Section Configuring Artifacts.
  • Edition of the repository from the web model explorer: See User Guide, Model Explorer Section
    • Import/export of all or a subset of the repository in generic Excel format,
    • Create/delete/rename directories,
    • Create/delete/rename of dynamic properties,
    • Delete/rename semantic objects other than directories and dynamic properties,
    • Create new web artifacts from the model explorer.
  • ArchiMate module
    • Addition of a new artifact: ArchiMate Web View. It’s an ArchiMate diagram that can be edited from a simple web browser. See ArchiMate User Guide, ArchiMate Web Diagram Section.

Obeo SmartEA 6.3.3 (30 Aug 2022)

  • New feature:
    • Dynamic properties are now handled as multi-line fields.
  • Bug fix:
    • Modeler: The dynamic property view is not refreshed when the user selects an object of type X then another object of the same type.
  • ArchiMate module:
    • Bug fixes:
      • Type conversion of an ArchiMate element imported (exchange format) creates an invalid reference.
      • Error in search-by-name services (childrenByName and elementsByName) if a candidate element has a name with the value null.

Obeo SmartEA 6.3.2 (04 Jul 2022) 

  • Improvements:
    • Added the ability to drop a read-only semantic element into a diagram.
  • ArchiMate module:
    • Improvements:
      • New feature: Allows to define a specific label expression (supporting AQL) to the ArchiMate View elements. See ArchiMate User Guide for details.
    • Fixes:
      • The diagram generation process is stopped without warning when the authentication timeout is triggered during generation.
      • Unable to move an element in the Model Explorer if the option to prohibit deletion of an element while it is present in an ArchiMate diagram is active.

Obeo SmartEA 6.3.1 (10 Mar 2022) 

  • Improvements:
    • Added getSemanticElements and getLinkedArtifacts AQL services. Applied to an artifact, these services return the list of semantic elements and the list of linked artifacts present in an artifact. See User Guide.
  • Fixes:
    • Cannot export a project if a branch contains a space at the end of its name.
    • Web pages with forbidden access remain blocked on the loading image and do not display any information.
  • ArchiMate module:
    • Improvements:
      • Addition of a project preference to prohibit the semantic deletion of an ArchiMate element as long as it is present in a free ArchiMate diagram. See ArchiMate User Guide.
    • Fixes:
      • Validation error for Junctions without a name.
      • Error when you try to export a project if a diagram of the project contains a link to an artifact and if the label of this link is externalized.

Obeo SmartEA 6.3.0 (09 Feb 2022) 

  • PostgreSQL 14 support
  • New feature:
    • Function allowing to activate a link in the footer of the web pages to send an email (see Installation Guide).
  • ArchiMate module:
    • New feature: possibility to define stereotypes on ArchiMate concepts (see Installation Guide).
    • New feature: possibility to define diagram templates from the rich client and to generate the corresponding diagrams (see Installation Guide and User Guide).
    • Added a project preference to specify whether or not a default name should be added when a new ArchiMate element or relation is created.

Obeo SmartEA 6.2.4 (09 Feb 2022) 

  • New features:
    • English version of the installation and user guides.
    • English version of the Voyage Discount project.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Error on AQL services Set childrenByProperty(EObject container, String propertyName, String propertyValue) and Set elementsByProperty(Collection elements, String propertyName, String propertyValue) if a dynamic property is null.
  • Enhancement of the OpenID validation:
    • Add IdToken validations («alg», «kid», «signature», «iat», «nbf», «acr», «aud», «iss»).
    • Add an extension point fr.obeo.smartea.core.server.api.openid.tokensValidator to contribute custom token validations.
  • Enhancement of the SSO configuration:
    • Add a userprovider.openid.useIdTokenExpiration configuration to customize the expiration to consider.
    • Add a userprovider.openid.responseType configuration to customize the OpenID responseType attribute (previously it was «code» statically).
    • Add a userprovider.openid.acrValues configuration to customize the optional OpenID acrValues attribute.
    • Add a userprovider.openid.leewayWindow configuration to customize the leeway window (in seconds) in which the token should still be considered valid.
    • Remove the userprovider.openid.tokenEndpoint, userprovider.openid.authorizationEndpoint, userprovider.openid.userinfoEndpoint configurations (found thanks to the userprovider.openid.discoveryEndpoint).

Obeo SmartEA 6.2.3 (26 Oct 2021) 

  • New features:
    • Improved error reporting in the prism editor.
      • Added the ability to retrieve ArchiMate default colors from the SDK.
      • Jetty’s version is no longer revealed when the user accesses an unknown page.
      • Disable indexing of Jetty web server files.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Cannot open the merge editor if:
      • the IS module (beta) is installed and
      • an object is present on the 2 branches to be merged with the same identifier and
      • the object is of a different type on each of the branches.
    • ArchiMate module:
      • Cannot change the style of an ArchiMate object converted with the convert function.
      • Exchange format import error when a relation to import into a diagram contains only one bendpoint.
      • Images do not appear in ArchiMate documentation.
      • The ArchiMate conversion tool does not work if the current prism is in error.
    • BPMN module:
      • Remove the drag and drop of a BPMN element from the model explorer to the collaboration diagram.

Obeo SmartEA 6.2.2 (26 Aug 2021) 

  • New feature:
    • Added rcp.hosts.authorized parameter in etc/application.conf file. This parameter can be used to limit access to sites that can be viewed from the modeler. See Installation Guide.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Validation rules (warning level) where the description field has not been filled cause an error.
    • Home page widgets: sort option does not work.
    • Error during import if the DB/bookmarks.json resource contains an entry on a branch that no longer exists.
    • Cannot move an ArchiMate element imported in exchange format.

Obeo SmartEA 6.2.1 (01 Jul 2021)

  • Bug fix: In 6.2.0, write permissions may not be taken into account in some scenarios.
  • Enhancement of the SSO configuration
    • Add a userprovider.openid.scope configuration to customize the openId scope attribute (previously it was «openid» statically)
    • Add a userprovider.openid.userinfoEndpoint configuration to fetch userInfo in this endpoint (previously it was done thanks to the idToken attributes)
    • Add a userprovider.openid.discoveryEndpoint configuration to directly retrieve userinfoEndpoint/@authorizationEndpoint@/@tokenEndpoint@
  • Added AQL service getAllArtifacts(). Applied on an object of the repository, this service returns the artifacts where the object appears.

Obeo SmartEA 6.2.0 (16 Apr 2021)

  • Support of PostgreSQL version 9.6.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x and 13.x.
  • New Server options in etc/application.conf file. These options allow to modify the authentication page:
    • change the header image,
    • remove the browser icon,
    • add disclaimer.
  • Removed the secret parameter from the etc/application.conf file. By default, a secret key is now generated randomly each time the server is started.
  • New parameter in the etc/application.conf file allowing to define the default policy for the wildcard character «*» in the quick search .
  • Renaming cookies :
    • JSESSIONID => sessionID
    • smartea-auth => auth
    • eclipse-client => modeler
    • prismID => latestPrism
    • branch => latestBranch
    • projectID => latestProject
  • New deployment mode allowing to open a single port on the server: the http/https port. The flow on the CDO port (2037 by default) between the server and the rich clients can be replaced by a flow on the http/https port.
  • Support for SSO authentication thanks to the OpenID Connect standard.
  • Addition of 2 new AQL services on dynamic properties: propertyDefined and correctProperty. 
  • Grouping of dynamic properties in properties view. You can create dynamic properties groupings that appear as specific tabs in the properties view. 
  • It is now possible to modify the graphic properties of a set of selected objects in a diagram (Appearance tab in the Properties view).
  • ArchiMate module
    • Addition of services allowing to find an ArchiMate element of a given type by its name. 

Obeo SmartEA 6.1.0 (08 Oct 2020)

  • Replaced the userprovider.ldap.subTreeScope = (true | false) parameter (defined in the etc/application_auth.conf file) by userprovider.ldap.scope. This parameter can take the values object,
    oneLevel or subTree:
    • object: if the distinguished name (DN) of the SmartEA user should be searched in the userprovider.ldap.baseDN node.
    • oneLevel: if the distinguished name (DN) of the SmartEA user should be searched in the userprovider.ldap.baseDN node and the first level child nodes.
    • subTree: if the distinguished name (DN) of the SmartEA user should be searched in the userprovider.ldap.baseDN node and all child nodes regardless of the depth of the tree.
  • Replaced USER_ID by USER_DN in parameter userprovider.ldap.groupSearchPattern.
  • Support of PostgreSQL version 9.6.x, 10.x, 11.x and 12.x.
  • Addition of services to simplify your AQL queries
  • Addition of cart support in search and validation report web pages
  • ArchiMate module
    • If the Ctrl key is pressed while dropping elements on the ArchiMate free diagram, then the incoming and outgoing relationships of the dropped elements are not added to the diagram.
    • Added ArchiMate generic validation rules
    • Added a function that converts an ArchiMate element or relation to another type
  • BPMN module
    • Addition of a tool in the BPMN diagrams allowing to create a new process at the same time as a calling activity
    • Support of ad-hoc sub-processes
    • Support of floating labels on events, gateways and data objects
    • Support of start connections
    • Support of constraints related to error and escalation events
    • Better positioning of the lanes
    • Addition of the possibility to link notes to elements
    • Added support of conditional flows
    • Support of the D’n’D to a sub-process
    • Support of non-interrupting sub-processes
    • Addition of a tool to create a participant and a new process jointly in the collaboration diagram
    • Removal of the logo on abstract activities
    • Support of reception activities which instantiate a process
    • Support of the association link between compensation type on border events and compensation activities
    • Group support
    • Addition of a diagram allowing to model a sub process independently of its parent process
    • Improved support for collapsed sub-processes
    • Bugs:
      • The Signal type image on an intermediate event is very small.
      • Direct edit on border events does not work
      • It is not possible to create a data object in a sub-process
  • SDK
    • Addition of a tree editor allowing to define ArchiMate models

Obeo SmartEA 6.0.0 (30 Apr 2020)       

  • From the main administration page, it is now possible to see the list of all connected modelers, and to deconnect a particular connected one.
  • Possibility to add LDAP and AD groups in profiles.yml.
  • UX improvements of the images libraries from the modeler.
  • Possibility to edit the users configuration files (users.yml et profiles.yml) from the web browser. The editor is accessible from the administration page. It validates the configuration files before saving.
  • Computed cells of SmartEA Requests and properties in the showObject page of type TEXT & TEXTAREA and that contain URLs can now be navigated.
  • ArchiMate module:
    • Support of Archimate 3.1.0.
    • Import/export from/to a file in the standard ArchiMate exchange format.
    • Relations thickness in ArchiMate diagrams can now be modified.
  • BPMN module (version 4.0.3) :
    • A corridor can no longer be created on a participant.
    • Icon of Start Events has now a simple circle as specified in BPMN.
    • Icon of Border State Events in sub-processes has now a simple circle as specified in BPMN.
    • New decorators for Compensation, Looping, Multiple Instance, Parallel Multiple Instance.
    • Support of events with or without interruption on activities and sub-processes.
  • Upgrade to Obeo Designer Team 11.1.3
  • Upgrade to M2Doc 3.0.0

Obeo SmartEA 5.0.3 (24 Feb 2020)       

  • Bug fix related to the disappearance of edges on the ArchiMate diagram.

Obeo SmartEA 5.0.2 (14 Feb 2020)       

  • Enhancements:
    • New navigable links: http link in a Smart Request, or property on the details page can be navigated.
    • Diagram publication: new button on the publication page of a diagram to retrieve the image's URL (to facilitate the integration with a third-party application).
    • BPMN Modeler: support of drag&drop of DataInput and DataOutput objects between Lanes.
  • Fixes:
    • Various fixes on the Deatils Page and the Representation Index.
    • Various fixes on the Data Dictionnary.

Obeo SmartEA 5.0.1 (04 Dec 2019)       

  • Synchronized representations:
    • New diagram "Node impacts"
    • New matrix "Applications - Nodes"
    • Update of diagram "Communication between applications"
  • Brand new version of "Voyage Discount" sample model

Obeo SmartEA 5.0.0 (31 Oct 2019)       

  • New feature to define access rights on folders.
  • New “Impact Analysis” view in the rich client.
  • New Data Dictionnary
  • New images library (Orion) and possibility for the user to define his own images libraries.
  • Enhancements of ArchiMate diagram:
    • New Graphical Annotations
    • Possibility to extract labels from graphical nodes
    • New menu to open/close rich client views
    • Improvement of the way an image can be set to a graphical node 
  • New dashboard widgets
    • "Full Size Artifact"
    • "Favorites"
  • Drag and drop from Representation Index view to a diagram
  • Visualization of differences between two versions of a diagram
  • Synchronization option between Model Explorer and Diagram in the web client
  • Toolbar refactoring
  • Possibility to activate SSL between the modeler and the server
  • Upgrade of Jetty version (9.4.21)

Obeo SmartEA 4.2.0 (04/09/2019)       

  • Evolutions of RGPD module : new attributes
  • Integration of a new data designer (entities, attributes, relations)

Obeo SmartEA 4.1.1 (09/07/2019)       

  • Bugs fixes:
    • Mass publishing of artifacts without representations
    • Excel export of cells containing a tool long text
    • [BPMN] Creation of a Message Flow directly connecting two Participants
    • [BPMN] Activation of Link to an existing process tool from the palette on non valid elements

Obeo SmartEA 4.1.0 (17/06/2019)       

  • Evolutions of BPMN modeling tool :
    • Distinction between Process and Collaboration diagrams
    • Bug fixes
  • Support of ArchiMate 3.0.1

Obeo SmartEA 4.0.4 (25/04/2019)

  • Bug fixes related to catalogs edition

Obeo SmartEA 4.0.3 (30/01/2019)         

  • Bug fixes
    • Diagrams publication
      • visibility of locks
      • moving the cursor on a published diagram
    • Diagram edition
      • problems with the selection of "linked objects"
    • SmartRequest
      • error while loading a SmartRequest
    • Projects selection menu
      • visibility of non accessible projects
  • Integration of
    • Sirius 5.1.4
    • Obeo Designer Team 10.1.4

Obeo SmartEA 4.0.2 (11/12/2018)         

  • Bug fixes.
  • M2Doc 2.0.1.
  • Obeo Designer Team 10.1.3.
  • Reworking of the Gap Analysis page.
  • User statistics.

Obeo SmartEA 4.0.1 (15/10/2018)         

  • Bug fixes
  • ArchiMate Module:
    • Smart Designer:
      • Bold style for the label of the ArchiMate elements.
      • Orthogonal routing for the relationships.

Obeo SmartEA 4.0.0 (28/09/2018)         

  • Model Explorer n the web client
  • Relations between ArchiMate and BPMN model elements
  • More precise gap analysis
  • Excel import/export of relations
  • RGPD extension
  • Link to external resources
  • Documentation of a diagram on its details page
  • Lightening of ArchiMate colors on diagrams
  • Better integration of M2Doc
  • Enhancement of LDAP support
  • Active Director support
  • Modernization of the technical prerequisites
    • Java 8
    • PostgreSQL 10
    • Eclipse Sirius 5.1

Obeo SmartEA 3.1.1 (28/06/2018)         

  • Introduction of RGPD module (experimental)
  • Bug fixes (reconnection)

Obeo SmartEA 3.1.0 (13/10/2017)         

  • Import of images into a library shared by all branches
  • Access to this library from:
    • the properties view of a graphical object
    • the ArchiMate configuration of default shapes
  • Full screen mode on a published diagram
  • Enhancement of branches management
    • renaming
    • deletion
  • Possibility to use the Diagram Extension mechanism provided by Sirius
  • Possibility to automatically pre-initialize a new project
  • Sandbox project pre-installed on evaluation version:

Obeo SmartEA 3.0.2 (16/06/2017)       

  • Bug fixes (reconnection)

Obeo SmartEA 3.0.1 (28/04/2017)

  • Bug fixes (merging)

Obeo SmartEA 3.0.0 (07/04/2017)

  • Support of Archimate 3.0
  • New Views
    • Model Explorer
    • Navigator View
    • Hints View
  • Other UI enhancements
    • New Merge button on Comparison report
    • Display the number of objects pointed by a derived relation
    • Display the artifact’s context on the artifact’s page
    • Possibility to navigate from one representation to another
    • Possibility to customize the number of relations shown on the details page diagram
    • Computed default name for Sirius artifacts
  • Possibility to import files
  • New Excel import managing tabs
  • OCL completion on charts and validation rules definition
  • Repository storage of project’s preferences
  • New generic Folder concept to group objects and artifacts
  • New bundle Developer including Obeo SmartEA SDK and Obeo Designer Team
  • Support of Eclipse Sirius 4.1 and Obeo Designer Team 9.1.

Obeo SmartEA 2.0.4 (22/08/2016)

  • Possibility to navigate and create Sirius representations from a Sirius editor
  • Bug fixes

Obeo SmartEA 2.0.3 (22/04/2016)   

  • Bug fixes

Obeo SmartEA 2.0.2 (18/03/2016)

  • Replacement of the "Federation" page by a "Runnable tasks" page

Obeo SmartEA 2.0.1 (04/03/2016)

  • New product logo
  • New Admin page to manage resources
  • French version of TOGAF metamodel
  • Use of labels defined on the .edit plug-in of the metamodel (Ecore classes, features and references)
  • Features leaving beta status:
    • Advanced Search
    • Attributes Web Edition
    • Artifact Merge
  • Bug fixes

Obeo SmartEA 2.0.0 (20/11/2015)

  • Look and feel improvements of common UI (colors, menus, icons, ...)
  • Look and feel improvements of TOGAF metamodel and diagrams (icons, colors, tools)
  • Migration from Obeo Designer 6.2 to Sirius 3.1
  • Simplification of Smart Designer's palette
  • Tables and matrices
    • Replacement of the filter option by a search option
    • Possibility to expand/collapse lines (navigation moved to contextual menu)
  • Properties View in the RCP client now opened on-demand
  • API to access to the session from a RCP client
  • Client notification of server stop
  • Possibility to define a specific logo for a project
  • Stable URL for details page (between Export and Import)
  • Logo on Voyage Discount sample
  • New beta features:
    • Mass diagrams update
    • Excel import/export
  • Bug fixes

Obeo SmartEA 1.5.4 (27/02/2015)

  • Artifacts can be copied and merged from one branch to another (Beta)
  • Improvement of the inverse relations management
  • Possibility to import/export a project (Beta)
  • Improvement of TOGAF Smart Designer (delete, drag&drop, edges)
  • Improvement of automatic diagram layout features (Beta)
  • Integration by default of BPMN 2.0 (Beta)
  • New option "Fit to size" when publishing a diagram
  • New menu "Select" to facilitate the selection of representations in the Prism editor
  • To facilitate comparison and merge between branches, now each metamodel type (EClass) must declare one of its attributes as an EMF ID (6th property in the EMF properties view). This modification has been done to the TOGAF metamodel provided with the evaluation version (Beta)
  • Automatic publication bugs fixes
  • Java validation bugs fixes
  • Support of Mac OS
  • Support of MySQL

Obeo SmartEA 1.5.3 (6/11/2014)

  • Oracle support

Obeo SmartEA 1.5.2 (13/10/2014)

  • URL saving between two connections to Obeo SmartEA
  • New option to display the second level of a landscape
  • New option to hide empty relations on the details page
  • New prism feature to edit eattributes and tags with the web client (Beta)
  • 30 bug fixes.

Obeo SmartEA 1.5.1 (13/06/2014)

  • Progress-bar during modeler version automatic update.
  • Landscape Tags available for details page, validation queries and dashboard widgets.
  • Landscape Tags and Requirements available for search engine.
  • Possibility to log branch comparison reports.
  • Possibility to write validation rules in Java. (Beta)
  • Details page improvements
    • References containing more than 14 objects are not displayed.
    • Decorations to indicate uni-directional, bi-directional and composition relations.
    • Inverse uni-directional relations added to the 'References' section.
  • Performance improvements
  • Refactoring of the Voyage Discount sample.

Obeo SmartEA 1.5.0(24/03/2014)

  • Artifacts management
    • Possibility to export Excel documents from requests on the repository
    • Regrouping excel exports, smart diagrams, predefined diagrams, catalogs and matrices into a single artifacts list on the home page and the details page
    • Possibility to instantiate the same diagram several times for a model element
    • Possibility to create smart diagrams on any model element
  • GUI Improvements
    • Displaying related representations on the details page
    • Auto-selecting new element created in a catalog
    • Automatic unfolding first level of catalogs containing only one root
    • Auto-selecting last used branch after connection
    • Facility to set tags to multiple objects at once
    • Option to display empty attributes on details page
    • Displaying branches name when merging
    • New buttons to manage cart elements
    • Published representations improvements: default width, zooming, unpublishing
    • Breadcrumb on details page
    • Bookmark management improvements
  • Prisms Management
    • Disconnecting habilitation between branches creation and branches usage
    • Ability to define the default selected references displayed on the objects details page
    • Ability to define the references and attributes order displayed on the objects details page
  • Togaf
    • Class Diagram: Relation "relates to" becomes oriented
    • Functional Decomposition Diagram : Possibility of creating a Function independently of an Organization Unit
    • Event Diagram : Improvement of the relation « preceeds process»
  • Search
    • Possibility to show the context of each found object
    • Better position of search options
  • Ability to customize objects labels from the server side
  • Xulrunner is now integrated with the Windows edition of the Modeler

Obeo SmartEA 1.4.0(07/10/2013)

  • Federation
  • Eclipse editors
    • Bookmarks on Eclipse editors (diagram edition, matrix edition, comparison editor, etc)
    • Drag & drop in the landscape editor
    • Drag & drop in the dashboard editor
    • Contextuel in Eclipse editors to open the representations index
    • Use-Case diagram allows to represent Roles and Business Functions
  • Impact analysis
  • Free diagrams
  • UI
    • Reorganization of admin menus
    • Renaming of UI labels
    • Auto adapt search : add left wildcard case
    • Attached points between objects are centered in the Details Page
    • New dashboard widget to describe the current prism
    • New dashboard widget to list specific representations
    • Systematic order of representations in the "Representation Index" Dashboard widget
    • The "Representation Index" widget uses Prisms data
    • Upgrade of Obeo Designer to 6.1.2
    • Improved license management (generation and installation)
    • Corrections in the TOGAF ACF metamodel to match the standard definition
    • Automatic download of new Modeler versions from the Server
    • Performance improvements

Obeo SmartEA 1.3.0(04/06/2013)

  • Home page
    • Home page can be configured as a dashboard with optional widgets
    • Activity Stream becomes a widget
    • List of Free Diagrams becomes a widget
    • List of representations becomes a widget
    • The collapsible behavior of the representations list widget is parametrizable
    • Customizable charts (pie, barchart, …) can be used as widgets
    • Improved user perception to display the homepage at startup
  • Branches management
    • Graphical representation of branches tree
    • Possibility to delete branches from any branch
    • Possibility to remove branches
  • Representations management
    • Contextual view to display related objects and representations
    • Publication of requirements representations
    • Representations are integrated in repository imports and exports
    • CSV export of catalogs
    • Containers used in landscapes can be defined with queries
    • Filtering of elements which can be tagged
  • Free diagram
    • Multi-levels selection of objects in the « Select objects » wizard
    • New contextual menu "Connected objects"
    • Direct edit on model elements
    • Possibility to delete semantic elements
  • Detail page of a model element
    • Reduction of the labels size on the relations graph
    • Lists of the representations where the current element is visible
  • Textual search
    • Possibility to search with the types name
    • Possibility to search with the attributes content
    • Possibility to search with the object's ID (ex : "id:2380")
    • Possibility to search with an OCL expression (ex : "ocl:BusinessService.allInstances()")
    • Improved display of search results
    • Improved search reliability
  • Users and prisms management
    • Prisms management functionality can be allowed by a prism
    • Open LDAP authentication
    • List of the users connected with the modeler
  • Miscellaneous
    • Possibility to define the format of attributes in the metamodel
    • Improved bookmarks management
    • Possibility to clear validation report history items
    • Administration menu refactoring
    • SSO access
    • Support of Internet Explorer 8
    • Possibility to connect to an external CDO repository

Obeo SmartEA 1.2.0(16/03/2013)